2021 Spring
Meghan and Harry

Making scandal with the intention of getting in the spotlight or revealing the cruel reality: the event which can be considered a friendly conversation in the luxurious estate of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in South California on 8 March has a contrary judgement. They hosted Oprah Winfrey in their home in Montecito who is one of the most influential journalists, a TV personality and businesswoman who is not incidentally their neighbour and friend. The 90-minute exclusive interview broadcasted on CBS in which the couple shared several information inconvenient for the Royal Family was a media bomb. Harry’s and Meghan’s relationship was accompanied by negative signs starting from the beginning. While in case of Harry’s brother, William public opinion was more forgiving because he has chosen a commoner, Kate Middleton to become his wife, they have never fully accepted Meghan Markle.
Sport defies virus

Owing to the coronavirus life has nearly stopped on the Earth in 2020, however in 2021 the main topic of our article, sport survives a kind of outbreak from its almost apparent death. After last year characterised by the absence of competitions, this year in addition to football the international tennis world has moved first: in February in spite of all the difficulties the traditional Australian Open was held in Melbourne. As far as football is concerned, even if there were matches, in most cases they took place in empty stadiums without spectators. However in 2021 the most popular sport can also return to its original form. It is reassuring that numerous Champions League matches have already been held and the sharp-set fans await a great number of them postponed to this year or originally planned for this year including the European Championships due in June-July. The forthcoming event on 1st August will be the Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix on Hungaroring.
Réka Rubint

Réka Rubint is not only a celebrity with perfect appearance and perfect life, a strong and successful businesswoman whom we see day by day in social media and on front pages of magazines. She is a dynamic wife who had to fight her fights: she spoke about her marriage of 20 years openly and the two biggest problems she had to solve with Norbi. Réka had difficulties with becoming a mother, she missed her earlier life, the trainings she held. She had to gratify her desires and find out how to be a mother and a successful coach at the same time. Norbi had to learn what fatherhood was like, how to deal with the children, as he had not have his own experience in it. He was brought up by his mother and grandmother. Réka talked about her children, how life is with the teenagers and how important role modelling is. Her parents and her childhood were also mentioned.

One size in one week
We have been living in the era of last minute events for several years, women have only a few weeks to prepare for an event both physically and mentally. Finding the suitable clothing is not always enough, it is also important for the perfect appearance to feel yourself comfortable. Barbara Léber recognised it and in 2019 she created Leber Lifestyle.
This is a complete menu sufficient for a week. It is elaborated by a dietician and is based on balanced nutrition. By the time you reach the end it can be seen clearly how you should live, what to eat and do in the interest of your health. In addition to the tasty foods which can be made easily, Barbara offers various food supplements: carbohydrate blocker, detoxication capsule and collagen. The feedback is very good, women lose 2, 5 – 4 kg as an average which is approximately one size.
Designer Zoltán Varró: “The atmosphere is just an underpainting, the emphasis is on the meals of István Pesti.”

Platán fine dining restaurant and the spa in Tata moat are opened.
Basic changes have occurred in the life of Platán Restaurant in Tata recently. In addition to István Pesti, a chef recognised by a Michelin star and Zoltán Varró, a designer, owner of the Gold Key Award of New York also have taken part in this. István Pesti’s menu is said to be a piece of art where the taste and the sight are united in a special harmony. The designer has been the follower of the famous chef’s activity. The Platán Udvarház on the bank of Öreg-tó and the homely Bistro have been transformed first as the result of their common way of thinking. Then as the latest step of renewal the spa in the moat between Tata castle and Platán and also the Platán Gourmet Restaurant offering sophisticated fine dining experience have been opened.

Anna Pásztor
We have talked with Anna Pásztor, a real rock and roll mother, the frontman of Anna and the Barbies band and the popular participant of Dancing with the Stars. She has talked about her children with whom she spends a lot of time. Benji and Zoe are real children, can cry, be furious, smite, can be moved and be awfully glad to live. Anna tries to be their role model with her life and teach them but not deliberately but rather learn from them. Naturally the Dancing with the Stars was also mentioned and the fact how fantastically she can dance: it turned out that she learnt jazz ballet in secondary grammar school, after matriculation she worked in London and in the evenings was partying with her Latin-American room-mates where she learnt the basics. Later she entered the famous Alvin Ailey dance school but then she had to give up dancing as a profession because of a knee injury.

ZEMA ROYAL Collections
Hungarian porcelain and jewellery brand ZEMA has created a group of brand which is much more exclusive than the previous ones: the ZEMA ROYAL Collection. The aim of the brand with this is to gain such a circle of customers who are fond of solely the unique, really extravagant pieces. One who wears it can be the owner of such ZEMA fashion accessory which has original ornaments, motifs, maybe forms. The ambition of this brand is clear: ZEMA makes porcelain jewellery with outstanding aesthetic value. Its mission is to design handmade, artistic valuables which are much more than pretty fashion accessories: these are real pieces of fine and applied arts. Wearing ZEMA jewellery means good taste, quality-oriented approach, support of local values and respect for culture.

Judit Molnár
Judit Molnár has been working in the sphere of multinational companies, in marketing and sales for nearly ten years. Then in 2011 she had a great idea and instead of accepting another senior position, started her own business. Today in addition to managing It’s YOUR World enterprise she is the sales manager of a LEGO start-up. She is the head of several projects and also gives assistance to female entrepreneurs by personal mentoring, coaching, advices regarding business development to enable them to make the first step on the road they have always dreamed of. Her mission is to pass over the driving force which leads to new ways and enchants you. The ladies she is working with – in addition to being wonderful and successful businesswomen – are really ladylike and in many cases mothers, so they can do well in a few roles continuously. We will introduce them to the readers and the world on the pages of this magazine in our column Business Corner.

Chocolate with vitamins
Éva Virág is a member of the first entrepreneurs’ generation, who started to build their own businesses during the regime change. She had to reschedule hers a few times but it seems that now she has found what suits her most: as a mother of small children and nutrition specialist she developed chocolate with vitamins for the children. Originally she graduated as a forest engineer at Sopron University but has never worked in this field. She studied making jewels and after getting her diploma she opened a jewellery. She could boast about eight shops in Nagykanizsa when one of them was robbed, causing damage of a few hundred million forints. As Éva and her husband felt they could not defend their shops, moved to Budapest and started to sell nutrition supplements and vitamins. Their two children inspired the new development: chocolate with vitamins. They have developed it to make it not only healthy but also fine and their sons’ friends tested it.

Woman to the core
The big childhood dream of Krisztina Petrás was to see the interior of the Parliament once but she did not dare to dream that as an adult she will enter it not only as a visitor but will stay in the House as part of her job. Her story began much farther, not even in Hungary but in a small village, Csata, a few kilometres from Párkány in Felvidék. She was born in a family dealing with cultivation and is partial to agriculture. Having a distinguished career, at present she works at the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture as marketing and communication director. Kriszta is a woman to the core, adores pretty clothes and her appearance is always perfect.

Rózsa Megla is the founder and designer of NAVONA Fashion, the ambassador of sustainable fashion, whose clothes are worn by stars on the front pages of more than 70 magazines. We will get an insight into Rózsa’s work and become acquainted with her creed. „Designing is a complex process. I permanently watch the trends, the materials of new development, and the new solutions. I deal with the guests in the saloon, estimate the idea, dreams, special wishes, colours and forms according to the ladies’ individual dreams and ideas. After this I and the specialists make the business-look, casual or unique dresses or collections to suit the occasion. I pay attention to the precise organisation. I consider human being and professional knowledge important. NAVONA WOMAN is graceful, stylish, and irresistible, I design clothes for them.”

Easter on grill
Easter is one of the most important holidays of Christianity with numerous customs and traditions. On this occasion baking, cooking and meals play a great role, as this holiday is preceded by Lent and Easter also means beginning. On Easter Monday the family has breakfast together. Its important elements are the cold buffets consisting of all the traditional meals and I do not change them but alter the method of preparing them. My cold buffet is put on the table from the grill. Naturally, not only the breakfast but also the lunch and dinner are grilled. Apart from this I serve lighter and non-fattening meals too, reforming the whole menu in this way. Let’s have in view that Easter meals create holiday atmosphere for us, that they are delicious and light. Let’s enjoy that the family rejoices and perfect dishes top the event.

The Meat Specialist
While a few representatives of gastronomy have made up ground of several decades, the butchers’ shops still look the same as thirty years ago. Zoltán Komár, the owner of Meat Specialist would change it whose professional passion encourages him to take pioneer steps. Last September under the professional guidance of Krisztián Zsófi he reconstructed the butcher’s shop in Klauzál square meeting the highest demands of customers. They concentrated not only on the fact that buyers should find quality materials but also offer various ready-to-cook products like jalapeno paprika stew, BBQ sausage with Cheddar cheese or the favourite of Italy, the crunchy rolled roast meat, the porchetta. While shaping the butcher’s shop they follow the example of British and Italian butchers who introduce their products in such a way that you feel you are in an elegant confectionery.
Ten most expensive foods of the world

We have collected those foods people all over the world are ready to pay the most. The secret of Wagyu is the fat which can be built in the fibres, the type and quantity of which is a very important element. One can appreciate Almas Caviar as the survivor of the dinosaurs’ era, Beluga Caviar which can come from an animal living up to a hundred years. In case of Gran Reserva of Iberico ham we can taste the ham of a black-legged Iberian pork fatted on acorn and matured for 36 months which provides unique quality. As far as the shoot of hop is concerned, one can enjoy the taste of small buds of this special vegetable reminding us of asparagus. In case of truffle you can be ready for the explosion of an aroma and taste bomb. The pistils of 300 thousand flowers are collected to get one kilogramme of saffron. However, we have reservations concerning black chicken, fugu, swallow’s nest and edible gold.
Profi Partner

The Profi Partner 2003 Ltd. is a decisive ornamental plant wholesale company in Hungary. The firm was established by the owners of five tree nurseries aiming at opening new sales channels of Western-type Cash&Carry system for the nursery stock of more than 50 Hungarian tree nursery suppliers. „As far as my studies and professional experience are concerned, trading with ornamental plants has always been in the centre of my life. Since February 2020 I have been working as the President of the Hungarian Association of Ornamental Nurseries with the aim to safeguard the interests of the ornamental nursery branch effectively. The owners contacted me in autumn 2016. The request seemed to be an exciting professional challenge. The firm which had dealt with the wholesale of ornamentals until that time opened its gates for all the Hungarian and foreign enterprises, thus serving the clients as an enterprise discount too. In our premises in Szigetszentmiklós we await our old and new customers with an exclusively wide range of supply on three acres.” – said Gergely Rónai, General Manager.
Hotel Abacus

The Abacus Business & Wellness Hotel**** Superior is located 25 km from Budapest, in Herceghalom. The hotel’s inspiring atmosphere, innovative environment and uncompromising gastronomical philosophy makes it the ideal place for family vacations, wellness weekends, conferences, business meetings and even weddings. The chef, Ferenc Toth, whose resume boasts with extensive foreign experience, uses simple, local and seasonal ingredients from Zsambek’s basin in his dishes. The majority of the spices he uses are grown in the kitchen’s own garden. Their dishes draw on both international sensibilities as well as the traditional Hungarian sense of taste; all while using modern culinary technology. The combination of gastronomical pleasures with a peaceful, familiar atmosphere and modern environment translate into more than half the guests being regulars. Their success was further confirmed when Abacus Business & Wellness Hotel won the title of Best Rural Business and Conference Hotel in Hungary.
30 years of Elekes Works

Their official name is Tritán-Gühring Ltd. but the company with its headquarters in Budaőrs is rightly called Elekes Works and has been managed successfully by Zoltán Elekes with his wife and son for several years. This business is market leader in the field of metal engraving and metal surface treatment, as it turns out from the conversation. The reason for the conversation was the 30th anniversary of the firm this year. „In 1991 we started our activity in a small office, in 1995 we already hired an office building and in April 2004 we moved to the industrial park established as a green investment and built by our company on its own. In April 2004 our parent company, the German Gühring which is the world’s third manufacturer of tools of symmetric rotation bought 50% of the firm. We have been functioning in this structure ever since.”- said Zoltán Elekes.

Smart farm
József Kövesdi is a man who had sharp eyes and realised how much agriculture needed modern technics and at present he designs informatics systems understandable and available for the farmers, thus saving a lot of money for their owners. Originally he studied electric engineering and economics, worked as a senior manager of a big multinational company for a while before establishing his own firm. At that time he knew quite a little about this branch, and today there is no agricultural institution of higher education where he has not held lectures about data-based farming which has extruded farming based on experience. As a matter of fact smart farm does nothing else but provides enough information for the farmers to be able to make appropriate decisions and to enable them to be present everywhere. They measure temperature, humidity and manage processes by sensors.
Online counselling

Life during the pandemic motivated people to adjust to the new reality as soon as possible, and insurance is not an exception – said Csaba Szekeres, the expert who regularly expresses his opinion in our magazine. According to him in the new situation people have a bit more of one thing: time. Many have started to settle their financial matters. The families get out their documents to have a clearer picture which insurance company they contracted, how much they pay. The specialist has had numerous informative talks, discussions, telephone conversations recently and said: the online counselling is successful, at present he keeps contact with 1200 families of his clientele. At the same time Csaba Szekeres admitted that he liked personal meetings very much but even modern technics cannot substitute them. As far as he is concerned, he is looking forward to returning to normal life…
Green trend

Our spring issue is completely in line with today’s car trends, as there are three electric cars, a hybrid and three SUVs in it. The price of the three electric cars – with a few million forints difference – is approximately the same. In spite of this their character very much differs and all three are worth their price. Honda is designated for city transport with superb exterior and hi-tech solutions. The Nissan Leaf with the longest range is perfect for average use. The winner of sale of electric cars in our country last year is Kia e-Niro, a SUV with a range of more than 400 km. Nissan is present in our magazine with two SUVs. X-Trail is an ideal car for travels with its 1, 7 litre diesel engine and its size. The younger brother of the car having surprisingly good engine technique is Juke, the ideal environment of which is the city. The new Honda Jazz, with its spacious and comfortable interior and its excellent new hybrid system cajoled us.

Metro tennis
Metro Rákosszentmihályi Sport Club started its activity in 1983 which is directed by a 27 year old young man, András Kétyi, multiple Hungarian tennis champion of his age group who followed in his father’s, the President’s footsteps. „Our club has been among the ten best clubs for a long time – said the head of the professional activity including youth education of the sport club in Budapest 17th district. Thanking to our coaches’ effective work several members of the national team and champions have grown up here in the last quarter of a century and today about a hundred young people are educated here. We await children in our camps this year too starting from the 2nd half of June till the middle of August. Our specialists deal with them in weekly shifts.” At present twelve hard and two hard-covered tennis courts are at our disposal and new possibilities will open up by winterisation and the planned covering of the courts – said the head of the blue and white club in Csömöri street.

In 2020 the Hungarian cycling community has chosen us their favourite bike shop, we use this opportunity to thank for it. We try to deserve it this year too and are glad to work on giving assistance to even more people to gain the experience of freedom and health through cycling. This year we await our customers, both amateurs and professional athletes with five cycling brands – Bianchi, Specialized, Cube, Merida and Giant – to be able to meet the high demands existing as the consequence of the pandemic. One of our services is the fitting of bicycles, Body Geometry Fit. Its aim is the perfect harmony of the cyclist and the bike in the interest of more effective, dynamic, preferably the most comfortable cycling for the longest distance, furthermore avoiding injuries and the correction of the existing problems. The servicing of our bicycles can also be in good hands in our Shimano Service Centre.
Matthew McConaughey

Sexy appearance, soft voice, warm smile: the star is considered an original guy who – after being a star of romantic comedies – has become a drama actor. Rowdyism, brave curves in his career and esoteric views are equally characteristic for the life of the 52 year old actor. Matthew who started as a flirting, partying playboy has published his memoirs containing lifestyle advices. He has moved to the desert in Texas for two months with his diaries he started to write when he was a teenager to put down his professional and spiritual search of his own way. McConaughey based his popularity as a handsome guy of rom-coms which make you laugh or cry. The star of „The wedding planner” and „How to lose a guy in 10 days” is also at home in the roles of hitmen, lawyers, and drug kingpins. In 2012 he won Golden Globe and Academy Award for the portrayal of an AIDS patient in ”Dallas Buyers Club”. He lives in Texas with his wife, a Brazilian model and three children.

Viktória Minya, perfumer
We have attended the course of making perfumes held by Viktória Minya, the first Hungarian perfumer. We were honoured to gain insight into the secrets of making perfumes thanking to Judit Molnár and It’s YOUR World. Viktória Minya picked up the art of making perfumes in Grasse, the cradle of modern perfume making. After working for several perfume companies, she decided to create her own fragrance series under the name “Hedonist”. At present she lives and works in her Paris studio, and this time she introduced the special system elaborated by her, so the participants of the workshops could make their own scents after getting acquainted with Viktória’s perfumes and a perfumer’s working method.
Night of Golden Globes

Owing to the pandemic the Golden Globe Awards were held online, unlike the previous ones, this time on two venues: in the Beverly Hills hotel in Los Angeles and the NBC headquarters in New York. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association distributed awards for the 78th time during the event considered to be the hall of Oscar. A few stars honoured the ceremony with their presence. Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones can be called the ambassadors of elegance wearing black from top to toe. Jane Fonda, the recipient of the Cecile B. deMille Award for lifetime achievements wearing a white costume was the dowager of style. In the drama category „The Nomadland” earned the award for best motion picture and best director. In the comedy or musical category the „Borat Subsequent Moviefilm” won the best movie picture and actor award. Netflix dominated with ten wins, including „The Crown” which got four awards in the TV series category.